Emeritus Professor Stephen Bottomley is a former Dean of Law at the Australian National University in Canberra. He has written books and articles on Corporations law, a subject he taught for several decades.
Emeritus Professor Stephen Parker AO is a former Dean of Law at Monash University in Melbourne. He has written books and articles on lawyers’ ethics and family law. He wrote, played and recorded the theme music for the Law in Context podcast series.

One thing they have in common, apart from a lame sense of humour, is a book called Law in Context, published by Federation Press. The two Stephens collaborated on the first two editions.
The fifth edition was published in 2024, co-authored by Stephen Bottomley and Professor Simon Bronitt, dean of law at the University of Sydney.
Performing as The Two Steves in ANU Law Students Reviews between 1988 and 2022 (with a 30-year gap), they wrote legendary hits such as Second Semester Blues, He’s Leaving Law, and The Lecturer.

Career and Awards
- Legal academic at the Australian National University (ANU) 1988-2020
- Dean of ANU College of Law 2013-2017
- Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law
- Inaugural Lifetime Achievement Legal Research Medal, Australian Legal Research Awards, 2020
- Leslie Zines Prize for Excellence in Legal Research, 2011 (for best article published in the Federal Law Review)
- Hart Socio-Legal Book Prize for most outstanding piece of socio-legal scholarship: The Constitutional Corporation: Rethinking Corporate Governance (2007, Ashgate Publishing, UK), 2008
- The Responsible Shareholder (Edward Elgar, 2021)
- Contemporary Australian Corporate Law, with K Hall, P Spender and B Nosworthy (Cambridge University Press; 3rd edition in preparation)
- The Constitutional Corporation: Rethinking Corporate Governance (Ashgate Publishing, UK, 2007). Awarded the 2008 Hart Socio-Legal Book Prize for the most outstanding piece of socio-legal scholarship.
- Law in Context (The Federation Press, Sydney)
- 1st edition (with N Gunningham and S Parker) 1991
- 2nd edition (with S Parker + chapter by J Clarke) 1997
- 3rd edition (with S Bronitt) 2006
- 4th edition (with S Bronitt) 2012
- 5th edition (with S Bronitt) 2023
- Interpreting Statutes, edited with S Corcoran (The Federation Press, 2005).
- Commercial Law and Human Rights, edited with D Kinley (Ashgate Publishing, UK. 2002)
- Directing the Top 500 – Corporate Governance and Accountability in Australian Companies, with R Tomasic (Allen and Unwin, 1993).
Selected articles
- ‘The Complexity of Corporate Law’ (2022) 44(3) Sydney Law Review 415-440
- ‘Corporate Law, Complexity and Cartography’ (2020) 35(2) Australian Journal of Corporate Law 142-160.
- ‘The Notional Legislator: The Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s Role as a Law-Maker’ (2011) 31 Federal Law Review 1-31. Awarded the 2011 Leslie Zines Prize for Excellence in Legal Research.
- ‘Where Did the Law Go? The Delegation of Australian Corporate Regulation’ (2003) 15 Australian Jnl of Corporate Law 105-118.
- ‘The Birds, the Beasts and the Bat: Developing a Constitutionalist Theory of Corporate Regulation’ (1999) 27 Federal Law Review 243-264.
Career and Awards
- Solicitor, England and Wales
- Barrister and Solicitor, ACT and Queensland
- Legal academic at University College Cardiff, ANU and Griffith University 1978-1998
- Dean of Law, Monash University 1999-2004
- Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Monash University 2004-2007
- Vice-Chancellor & President, University of Canberra 2007-2016
- Office of the Order of Australia 2014 for distinguished service to tertiary education
- Negotiating By The Light of The Law, with Matt Harvey and Maria Karras (Themis Press) 2012
- Family Law: Processes, Practices and Pressures (edited collection, with John Dewar) (Hart Publishing) 2003
- Australian Family Law in Context (with Patrick Parkinson and Juliet Behrens) (Law Book Co)
- 1st edition 1994
- 2nd edition 1999
- Courts and the Public (Australian Institute of Judicial Administration) 1998
- Law in Context (The Federation Press, Sydney)
- 1st edition (with S Bottomley and N Gunningham) 1991
- 2nd edition (with S Bottomley + chapter by J Clarke) 1997
- Legal Ethics and Legal Practice: Contemporary Issues (edited collection, with Charles Sampford) (Oxford University Press) 1995
- Cohabitants (with John Dewar) (FT Law & Tax) 1995
- Legal Ethics, (Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia) 1992
- Cohabitees
- 1st edition (Barry Rose Publishers) 1981
- 2nd edition (Kluwer Law Publishers) 1987
- 3rd edition (Longman) 1991
- Informal Marriage, Cohabitation and the Law 1750-1989 (Macmillan) 1990
Selected articles
- “Rights and Utility in Anglo-Australian Family Law” (1990) 55 Modern Law Review 311-30
- “Child Support: Rights and Consequences” (1992) 6 International Journal of Law and the Family, 148-168
- “Rule Following, Rule Scepticism and Indeterminacy in Law: A Conventional Account” (with Peter Drahos) (1991) 5 Ratio Juris, 109-119
- “The Indeterminacy Paradox in Law” (with Peter Drahos), (1991) University of Western Australia Law Review, 305-19
- “Critical Contract Law in Australia” (with Peter Drahos) (1990) 3 Journal of Contract Law 30-49